“As the Prop Turns” is a live webinar series hosted by Ranger Tugs and Cutwater Boats. In each episode our customer service team broadcasts live to address a variety of topics focused on maintenance and cruising in your Ranger Tug or Cutwater Boat.
The webinar is hosted on the Zoom platform and is free to join for everyone. As an attendee, you will not be on camera or microphone but you will have the ability to type questions during and after the presentation. Each webinar is scheduled to last between 30-60 minutes. You do not have to purchase anything from Zoom or sign up for an account. You only need to register at the link provided below and follow the instructions in the confirmation email that you receive from Zoom.
We hope you will join us for our next webinar!
Each installment is uploaded to YouTube after the broadcast. This page will also be updated within 24 hours of each webinar with links to watch the latest episodes.
Our guest speaker for this episode is Glen W. from Anacortes, WA. Glen has owned two Ranger Tugs and has trained many Cutwater and Ranger Tug owners. In this episode, Glen shares his method for finding a safe spot to set the hook in a crowded anchorage using his onboard electronics.
Click HERE to download slides.
Guest host Bob Whale details his 2020 cruise from Washington to Alaska in this episode of As the Prop Turns. The first half of the talk covers the North-bound leg of his trip, in which Bob was able to journey from Birch Bay Washington to Alaska in 3 days in his Ranger Tugs R-27. During his journey back to Washington, Bob was able to stop at several glacial highlights and unique anchorages.
Click HERE to download slides.
As the Prop Turns is back for its 9th installment. This episode centers around departures and arrivals. It seems like a simple subject, but there are many steps involved when it comes to leaving the dock, or leaving your boat after cruising. Our Customer Service Manager Kenny Marrs walks through the basics including battery switch positions, engine checks, connecting & disconnecting from shore power and more.
Click HERE to download slides.
The Ranger Tugs and Cutwater Boats Factory team returns for another installment of our Live (on Zoom) webinar series, As the Prop Turns! In this episode, the Factory Customer Service Team covers the tips, tricks and procedures that we use here at the factory to winterize our boats, along with the basic goals of the winterizing process.
Click HERE to download slides.
In this episode of As the Prop Turns, Ranger Tugs Customer Service Manager Kenny Marrs shares his tips and tricks to boat handling in close quarters. Some of the topics include, helm basics, docking and maneuvering within the marina.
Click HERE to download slides.
Jim and Lisa Favors, long time boaters and creators of Trailertrawlerlife.com host this month's episode of As the Prop Turns. Jim and Lisa share some fun stories and invaluable info regarding their five favorite cruising destinations in the U.S. and Canada. They have been Ranger Tug owners for over ten years and have trailered their boats over 15,000 miles. For more info about Jim and Lisa's adventures, visit www.trailertrawlerlife.com.
Click HERE to download slides.
This week on As the Prop Turns, Customer Service Team Member Marco Arias covers Spring Maintenance Part 2 - Surface Care & Detailing. From gelcoat repair, cleaning and protecting metals, to wood care, we cover the most common topics related to the upkeep of your Ranger Tug or Cutwater Boat's exterior and interior surfaces.
Click HERE to download slides.
This week on As the Prop Turns, the Factory Customer Service Team answers the top questions of the day from the Ranger Tugs and Cutwater Boats owners group forum www.Tugnuts.com. We cover topics ranging from AIS, radar, windlass operation, trailering best practices and more.
Click HERE to download slides.
10 springtime tips to prepare your boat for a successful cruising season. This week's webinar is hosted by Ranger Tugs Delivery Captain and Engine Specialist, Tim Bates. In this segment, Tim answers the most common questions and topics that our Customer Service Team hears about regarding Spring Maintenance. This includes Webasto diesel heater service, Volvo diesel inboard fuel filter service, Yamaha outboard fuel filter service and much more.
Click HERE to download slides.
This week on As the Prop Turns, we're covering Garmin 101: An entry-level overview of settings and features on your Garmin MFD (Multifunction Display). Ranger Tugs Customer Service Manager Kenny Marrs walks through some of the most commonly used settings and features of Garmin GPSMAP Chartplotters. This includes, how to customize your Data Bar, Favorites Tab, set basic parameters and plan routes on Garmin MFD's such as the GPSMAP 8612, 8612xsv, 8600 series, 7600 series and more.
Click HERE to download slides.
An entry-level look at onboard electrical systems. Our customer service team will walk you through everything you need to know to manage power on your boat.
Below are links to our Dropbox resources, including the presentation slides and full episodes for offline viewing.